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Presentations will begin at the designated time (listed below) followed by a brief business meeting.

Please note the date and time as we are offering evening and Saturday presentations this year.   

Hillsborough United Methodist Church 

130 W. Tryon St.

Hillsborough, NC

Thursday, September 14, Hillsborough United Methodist Church,

social at 9:30 am, meeting at 10:00 am.

Program: Fall Flower Fling 

HGC Member Alice Moore offers tips on flower arranging. Bring a vase, cup, pitcher or other unique container, as well as flowers from your garden to share. Out-of-the-box creativity is what’s in store for our first meeting of the season. 


Thursday, October 12, , Hillsborough United Methodist Church, 

social at 5 p.m., meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Program: Landscape Design Fundamentals 

Mary Beth Berkley of Birch Meadow Garden Care has been selected to undertake the foundation planting at the Visitors Center project. She’ll update the club on the project and also discuss the fundamentals of foundation landscaping.


Thursday, November 9, Hillsborough United Methodist Church,

social at 9:30 am, meeting at 10:00 am.

Program: Planting with Natives 

Triangle Gardener columnist Dale Batchelor will discuss the 70% solution when planting with natives. Managing our residential landscapes is becoming more and more important for the survival of pollinators, songbirds, and other wildlife. 

Sunday, December 3, 404 N. Churton St., Hillsborough,

Meet at 2:30 pm for hot cocoa and snacks.  Parade starts at 4 pm. 

Program: Light Up the Night Tailgate Party

Bring your lawn chairs and blankets to HGC member Valerie Blettner’s front yard and watch the Hillsborough Holiday parade while enjoying visiting with other HGC members. The parade starts at 4 p.m., so come in time to see the parade from its beginning to Santa’s arrival!


Saturday, January 13, Orange County Cooperative Extension Office,

1020 US Highway 70 West, Suite 130, Hillsborough, 

social at 9:30 a.m., meeting at 10 a.m.,


Program: Winter Sowing and Other Secrets of the Winter Garden

HGC President Tammy Dorfman will offer insights into winter sowing, including how to grow tulips in a crate for beautiful blooms in spring. 

Thursday, February 8, Hillsborough United Methodist Church,

social at 9:30 am, meeting at 10:00 am.

Program: Adapting our Gardens to Climate Change

Preston Montague, noted Durham artist, educator, and landscape architect, will discuss what to expect from climate change and how to adapt your garden to meet this challenge.


Thursday, March 14, Hillsborough United Methodist Church,

social at 9:30 am, meeting at 10:00 am. 

Program: Where the Wild Things Grow: Hedgerows

Katherine Schlosser, Board Chair, Friends of Plant Conservation, will discuss North Carolina’s hedgerows, home to wildflowers, birds, rabbits and a harvest of fruits, nuts, and herbs for culinary and medicinal use.

Thursday, April 11, 10 a.m., Linda’s Barn (address will be emailed to you)

social at 9:30 am, meeting at 10:00 am.

Program: Container Gardening 

Linda Bell welcomes us to her beautiful home gardens  and barn for her popular container gardening workshop. She will share with us her special magic for creating the containers she is well known for.


Thursday, May 9, Hillsborough United Methodist Church,

Various time slots available, TBD.

Program: General Meeting and Work Day for All Members

Join us for an “all hands on deck” as we prepare for the May 11 plant sale. We’ll separate plants, create identification information, and organize the sale. At the meeting, we’ll also vote on new Board members and review the new budget. 

Thursday, June 13, 5:30 p.m., Hillsborough United Methodist Church,

social at 5:00 pm, potluck and program at 5:30 pm.

Program: Get Those Squirrels Out of Here and Pot Luck Supper

Enjoy a potluck supper as we hear a roundtable discussion on best practices on how to address those pesky garden problems (and critters) we all experience. 

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